Thursday, 3 March 2016

Physical Experiment Outcomes -

Physical Experiments - 

Artist Inspiration: Dryden Goodwin

Dryden Goodwin Examples:

My Work: Morgan Redman

Final Outcomes: 


I have taken some inspiration from Dryden Goodwin when it comes to physically scratching into images but I have also employed portrait ideas from Thomas Ruff with the bold colourful background to contrast the deadpan black and white central portraits. 


The technique used on the above images was created using scissors and cutting into the portraits in various patterns. If I was to expand on my physical experiment outcomes then I would possibly cut out sections of the face, in a Matthieu Bourel style, to reveal ideas about identity, paint over the photographs such as a devil and an angel on each shoulder, covering aspects of the portraits in glitter to emphasise the ideas of societal beauty expectations.

1 comment:

  1. a good level of experimentation is demonstrated here… There are ways in which your work could be developed further as collage or adding objects and scanning.. within the physical experiments.
