Tuesday 8 March 2016

Computer Experiment Outcomes -

Technical Experiments - 

Liquify Hue/ Saturation:

Stain Glass:

TV Grain/ Selective Colourisation:




In evaluation, some of the techniques used above turned out better than others. The final outcomes above are more suited to specific subject areas. For instance, I would be more likely to use the 'Liquify Hue/ Saturation' and 'TV Grain/ Selective Colourisation' techniques than the 'Liquify' tool unless I was working towards an extremely abstract idea. 


Liquify/ Hue and Saturation: I began by using the 'Quick Selection' tool and selecting the outline of the person. I then went to the 'Hue/ Saturation' tool and chose a colour that was variant from the original. Next, I went to the 'Filter' section and chose 'Liquify' and I liquified the colour layer so that it was reminiscent of animal print.

Stain Glass: I began by going onto the 'Filters' bar and selecting 'Filter Gallery' where I then used the 'Stain Glass' effect which I manipulated so that I was satisfied with the size of the sections and that the image was effectively changed enough. 

TV Grain/ Selective Colourisation: I began this technique by using the 'Quick Selection' tool which I then used the 'Inverse' tool so that the background was selected which I edited into 'Black/ White'. The next step was to visit the 'Filter' tool where I chose 'Pixelate' and the specific tool 'Pointillize' where I then manipulated the 'Cell Size'. The cell size I chose was 8. 

Posterise: The posterisation technique is one of the most simply that I used. I began by selecting the 'Filter' tool and accessing the 'Filter Gallery' where I then chose the 'Posterize' technique. I then played with the slide bar until I was happy with the outcome of the image. 

Liquify: To access the liquify technique I began by selecting the 'Filter' tool, where I chose the following three tools 'Liquify', 'Spherize' and 'Pinch' under the 'Distort' tool. I manipulated the image until it was abstract enough to appear different from the original image. I edited the whole image but payed specific attention to the face and head to create an almost alien like appearance. 

Monday 7 March 2016

Computer Experiments Practice -

Selective Colourisation -
  • These photographs were taken over many briefs and I have now edited them to manipulate the colours to fit a new theme using Photoshop CC 2014.
  • I used the 'Quick Selection Tool' to select the part of the image I wanted to remain in colour. Then I went to the heading 'Select' and chose 'Inverse'. Next I went down to 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' where I chose 'Hue and Saturation' and turned the background black and white.
  • For the images in which I altered the original colour ,to fit the gold theme, there is an additional step. Select the section of the image you wish to change colour, then select the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' and go to 'Hue/Saturation' and slide on the 'Hue' bar which will alter the colour of the image.   

Thursday 3 March 2016

Physical Experiment Outcomes -

Physical Experiments - 

Artist Inspiration: Dryden Goodwin

Dryden Goodwin Examples:

My Work: Morgan Redman

Final Outcomes: 


I have taken some inspiration from Dryden Goodwin when it comes to physically scratching into images but I have also employed portrait ideas from Thomas Ruff with the bold colourful background to contrast the deadpan black and white central portraits. 


The technique used on the above images was created using scissors and cutting into the portraits in various patterns. If I was to expand on my physical experiment outcomes then I would possibly cut out sections of the face, in a Matthieu Bourel style, to reveal ideas about identity, paint over the photographs such as a devil and an angel on each shoulder, covering aspects of the portraits in glitter to emphasise the ideas of societal beauty expectations.